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Instruction Set #4

Based on a design suggested by Walter Tackett of Hughes Aircraft, and implemented by Tom Ray. The special features of this instruction set are that all movement between registers of the cpu takes place via push and pop through the stack. Also, all indirect addressing involves an offset from the address in the CX register. Also, the CX register is where most calculations take place.

No Operations: 2


Memory Movement: 13

movdi  (move from BX to ram [AX + CX])
movid  (move from ram [BX + CX] to AX)
movii  (move from ram [BX + CX] to ram [AX + CX])
pushax (push AX onto stack)
pushbx (push BX onto stack)
pushcx (push CX onto stack)
pushdx (push DX onto stack)
popax  (pop from stack into AX)
popbx  (pop from stack into BX)
popcx  (pop from stack into CX)
popdx  (pop from stack into DX)
put    (write DX to output buffer, three modes:
         #ifndef ICC: write DX to own output buffer
         #ifdef ICC:  write DX to input buffer of cell at address CX,
           or, if template, write DX to input buffers of all creatures within
           PutLimit who have the complementary get template)
get    (read DX from input port)

Calculation: 7

inc    (increment CX)
dec    (decrement CX)
add    (CX = CX + DX)
sub    (CX = CX - DX)
zero   (zero CX)
not0   (flip low order bit of CX)
shl    (shift left all bits of CX)

Instruction Pointer Manipulation: 5

ifz    (if   CX == 0 execute next instruction, otherwise, skip it)
iffl   (if flag == 1 execute next instruction, otherwise, skip it)
jmp    (jump to template, or if no template jump to address in AX)
jmpb   (jump back to template, or if no template jump back to address in AX)
call (push IP + 1 onto the stack; if template, jump to complementary templ)

Biological and Sensory: 5

adr    (search outward for template, put address in AX, template size in DX,
           and offset in CX, start search at offset +- CX)
adrb   (search backward for template, put address in AX, template size in DX,
           and offset in CX, start search at offset - CX)
adrf   (search forward for template, put address in AX, template size in DX,
           and offset in CX, start search at offset + CX)
mal    (allocate amount of space specified in CX, prefer address at AX,
           if AX < 0 use best fit, place address of allocated block in AX)
divide (cell division, the IP is offset by CX into the daughter cell, the
           values in the four CPU registers are transferred from mother to
           daughter, but not the stack.  If !DX genome will be ejected from
           the simulator)

Total: 32

Thomas S.Ray
Thu Aug 3 13:06:00 JST 1995