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In order for evolution to occur, there must be some change in the genome of the creatures. This may occur within the lifespan of an individual, or there may be errors in passing along the genome to offspring. In order to insure that there is genetic change, the operating system randomly flips bits in the soup, and the instructions of the Tierran language are imperfectly executed.

Mutations occur in two circumstances. At some background rate, bits are randomly selected from the entire soup (e.g., 60,000 instructions totaling 300,000 bits) and flipped. This is analogous to mutations caused by cosmic rays, and has the effect of preventing any creature from being immortal, as it will eventually mutate to death. The background mutation rate has generally been set at about one bit flipped for every 10,000 Tierran instructions executed by the system.

In addition, while copying instructions during the replication of creatures, bits are randomly flipped at some rate in the copies. The copy mutation rate is the higher of the two, and results in replication errors. The copy mutation rate has generally been set at about one bit flipped for every 1,000 to 2,500 instructions moved. In both classes of mutation, the interval between mutations varies randomly within a certain range to avoid possible periodic effects.

In addition to mutations, the execution of Tierran instructions is flawed at a low rate. For most of the 32 instructions, the result is off by plus or minus one at some low frequency. For example, the increment instruction normally adds one to its register, but it sometimes adds two or zero. The bit flipping instruction normally flips the low order bit, but it sometimes flips the next higher bit or no bit. The shift left instruction normally shifts all bits one bit to the left, but it sometimes shifts left by two bits, or not at all. In this way, the behavior of the Tierran instructions is probabilistic, not fully deterministic.

It turns out that bit flipping mutations and flaws in instructions are not necessary to generate genetic change and evolution, once the community reaches a certain state of complexity. Genetic parasites evolve which are sloppy replicators, and have the effect of moving pieces of code around between creatures, causing rather massive rearrangements of the genomes. The mechanism of this ad hoc sexuality has not been worked out, but is likely due to the parasites' inability to discriminate between live, dead or embryonic code.

Mutations result in the appearance of new genotypes, which are watched by an automated genebank manager. In one implementation of the manager, when new genotypes replicate twice, producing a genetically identical offspring at least once, they are given a unique name and saved to disk. Each genotype name contains two parts, a number and a three letter code. The number represents the number of instructions in the genome. The three letter code is used as a base 26 numbering system for assigning a unique label to each genotype in a size class. The first genotype to appear in a size class is assigned the label aaa, the second is assigned the label aab, and so on. Thus the ancestor is named 80aaa, and the first mutant of size 80 is named 80aab. The first creature of size 45 is named 45aaa.

The genebanker saves some additional information with each genome: the genotype name of its immediate ancestor which makes possible the reconstruction of the entire phylogeny; the time and date of origin; ``metabolic'' data including the number of instructions executed in the first and second reproduction, the number of errors generated in the first and second reproduction, and the number of instructions copied into the daughter cell in the first and second reproductions (see Appendix C, D); some environmental parameters at the time of origin including the search limit for addressing, and the slicer power, both of which affect selection for size.

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Thomas S.Ray
Thu Aug 3 15:47:29 JST 1995