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Abbreviated code for implementing the CPU cycle of the Tierra Simulator.

void main(void)
{   get_soup();

void life(void) /* doles out time slices and death */
{   while(inst_exec_c < alive)  /* control the length of the run */
    {   time_slice(this_slice); /* this_slice is current cell in queue */
        incr_slice_queue(); /* increment this_slice to next cell in queue */
        while(free_mem_current < free_mem_prop * soup_size)
            reaper(); /* if memory is full to threshold, reap some cells */

void time_slice(int  ci)
{   Pcells  ce; /* pointer to the array of cell structures */
    char    i;  /* instruction from soup */
    int     di; /* decoded instruction */
    int     j, size_slice;
    ce = cells + ci;
    for(j = 0; j < size_slice; j++)
    {   i = fetch(ce->c.ip); /* fetch instruction from soup, at address ip */
        di = decode(i);      /* decode the fetched instruction */
        execute(di, ci);     /* execute the decoded instruction */
        increment_ip(di,ce); /* move instruction pointer to next instruction */
        system_work(); /* opportunity to extract information */

void execute(int  di, int  ci)
{   switch(di)
    {   case 0x00: nop_0(ci);    break; /* no operation */
        case 0x01: nop_1(ci);    break; /* no operation */
        case 0x02: or1(ci);      break; /* flip low order bit of cx, cx ^= 1 */
        case 0x03: shl(ci);      break; /* shift left cx register, cx <<= 1 */
        case 0x04: zero(ci);     break; /* set cx register to zero, cx = 0 */
        case 0x05: if_cz(ci);    break; /* if cx==0 execute next instruction */
        case 0x06: sub_ab(ci);   break; /* subtract bx from ax, cx = ax - bx */
        case 0x07: sub_ac(ci);   break; /* subtract cx from ax, ax = ax - cx */
        case 0x08: inc_a(ci);    break; /* increment ax, ax = ax + 1 */
        case 0x09: inc_b(ci);    break; /* increment bx, bx = bx + 1 */
        case 0x0a: dec_c(ci);    break; /* decrement cx, cx = cx - 1 */
        case 0x0b: inc_c(ci);    break; /* increment cx, cx = cx + 1 */
        case 0x0c: push_ax(ci);  break; /* push ax on stack */
        case 0x0d: push_bx(ci);  break; /* push bx on stack */
        case 0x0e: push_cx(ci);  break; /* push cx on stack */
        case 0x0f: push_dx(ci);  break; /* push dx on stack */
        case 0x10: pop_ax(ci);   break; /* pop top of stack into ax */
        case 0x11: pop_bx(ci);   break; /* pop top of stack into bx */
        case 0x12: pop_cx(ci);   break; /* pop top of stack into cx */
        case 0x13: pop_dx(ci);   break; /* pop top of stack into dx */
        case 0x14: jmp(ci);      break; /* move ip to template */
        case 0x15: jmpb(ci);     break; /* move ip backward to template */
        case 0x16: call(ci);     break; /* call a procedure */
        case 0x17: ret(ci);      break; /* return from a procedure */
        case 0x18: mov_cd(ci);   break; /* move cx to dx, dx = cx */
        case 0x19: mov_ab(ci);   break; /* move ax to bx, bx = ax */
        case 0x1a: mov_iab(ci);  break; /* move instruction at address in bx
                                           to address in ax */
        case 0x1b: adr(ci);      break; /* address of nearest template to ax */
        case 0x1c: adrb(ci);     break; /* search backward for template */
        case 0x1d: adrf(ci);     break; /* search forward for template */
        case 0x1e: mal(ci);      break; /* allocate memory for daughter cell */
        case 0x1f: divide(ci);   break; /* cell division */

Thomas S.Ray
Thu Aug 3 15:47:29 JST 1995