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The computers we use are general purpose computers, which means, among other things, that they are capable of emulating through software, the behavior of any other computer that ever has been built or that could be built ([2,24,26]). We can utilize this flexibility to design a computer that would be especially hospitable to synthetic life.

There are several good reasons why it is not wise to attempt to synthesize digital organisms that exploit the machine codes and operating systems of real computers. The most urgent is the potential threat of natural evolution of machine codes leading to virus or worm type of programs that could be difficult to eradicate due to their changing ``genotypes''. This potential argues strongly for creating evolution exclusively in programs that run only on virtual computers and their virtual operating systems. Such programs would be nothing more than data on a real computer, and therefore would present no more threat than the data in a data base or the text file of a word processor.

Another reason to avoid developing digital organisms in the machine code of a real computer is that the artificial system would be tied to the hardware and would become obsolete as quickly as the particular machine it was developed on. In contrast, an artificial system developed on a virtual machine could be easily ported to new real machines as they become available.

A third issue, which potentially makes the first two moot, is that the machine languages of real machines are not designed to be evolvable, and in fact might not support significant evolution. Von Neuman type machine languages are considered to be ``brittle'', meaning that the ratio of viable programs to possible programs is virtually zero. Any mutation or recombination event in a real machine code is almost certain to produce a non-functional program. The problem of brittleness can be mitigated by designing a virtual computer whose machine code is designed with evolution in mind. Farmer & Belin [17] have suggested that overcoming this brittleness and ``Discovering how to make such self-replicating patterns more robust so that they evolve to increasingly more complex states is probably the central problem in the study of artificial life.''

The work described here takes place on a virtual computer known as Tierra (Spanish for Earth). Tierra is a parallel computer of the MIMD (multiple instruction, multiple data) type, with a processor (CPU) for each creature. Parallelism is imperfectly emulated by allowing each CPU to execute a small time slice in turn. Each CPU of this virtual computer contains two address registers, two numeric registers, a flags register to indicate error conditions, a stack pointer, a ten word stack, and an instruction pointer. Each virtual CPU is implemented via the C structure listed in Appendix A. Computations performed by the Tierran CPUs are probabilistic due to flaws that occur at a low frequency (see Mutation below).

The instruction set of a CPU typically performs simple arithmetic operations or bit manipulations, within the small set of registers contained in the CPU. Some instructions move data between the registers in the CPU, or between the CPU registers and the RAM (main) memory. Other instructions control the location and movement of an ``instruction pointer'' (IP). The IP indicates an address in RAM, where the machine code of the executing program (in this case a digital organism) is located.

The CPU perpetually performs a fetch-decode-execute-increment_IP cycle: The machine code instruction currently addressed by the IP is fetched into the CPU, its bit pattern is decoded to determine which instruction it corresponds to, and the instruction is executed. Then the IP is incremented to point sequentially to the next position in RAM, from which the next instruction will be fetched. However, some instructions like JMP, CALL and RET directly manipulate the IP, causing execution to jump to some other sequence of instructions in the RAM. In the Tierra Simulator this CPU cycle is implemented through the time_slice routine listed in Appendix B.

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Thomas S.Ray
Thu Aug 3 15:47:29 JST 1995