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The workshop was attended by the following persons:

Tom Ray
ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories
2-2 Hikaridai Seika-cho Soraku-gun
Kyoto 619-02 Japan
81-7749-5-1063 (phone), 81-7749-5-1008 (fax)
unix, DOS

Jeremy Bruestle
11825 16th Ave. NW
Rice, MN 56367
PC, DOS, Linux

Roger Gouin
4632 N. Rockcliff Road
Tucson, AZ 85715
phone (602)749-1785
PC, Windows

Joseph F. Hart
3008 Madison Avenue
Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Phone: (716) 284-1871

                  |         Internet:
Joseph Hart       |     /// Plink   : OSS542
Niagara Falls, NY | \\ \///  Ham call: WA2SND
                  |  \XX/   FreeNet :
                  |     *** AMIGA - Computers for REAL MEN ***

Matt Jones
Programmer Analyst II
Psychology Department
1504 Psychology
UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Phone: (805)893-4818
Fax: (805)893-4303

Kurt Thearling
Pilot Software
1 Canal Park
Cambridge, MA 02141
(617) 374-1117
(617) 374-5555 fax
(800) 950-PILOT x1117 toll-free

Jan Hauser
Sun Microsystems Inc.
2550 Garcia Ave
MS UMIL06-07
Mountain View, CA 94043-1100
Day (408) 276-3454
Hm. (408) 353-4727

Tsutomu Shimomura
San Diego Supercomputer Center
P.O. Box 85608
San Diego, CA 92186-9784

Julia Menapace
210 Clayton St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
Mac, security

Charles Ofria
Kellogg Lab 106-38 California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
Avida/Artificial Life

Titus Brown
Kellogg Lab 106-38 California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
Avida/UNIX/DOS/Networking/X graphics (TK/TCL)

This report was drafted by Tom Ray, and revised in light of the comments offered by Jeremy Bruestle, Roger Gouin, Joseph Hart, Matt Jones, Kurt Thearling, Jan Hauser, Charles Ofria, and Titus Brown.

All of the participants were funded by the Tierra Workshop from Santa Fe Institute funds, except:

Charles Ofria, whom was visiting SFI to confer with Stuart Kaufmann. Jan Hauser and Tsutomu Shimomura who were funded by Sun Microsystems. Julia Menapace who came with Tsutomu. Eric Schmidt of Sun has also agreed to support technical expertise for Tierra in the area of network programming and screen saver technology. Jan Hauser identified the person who has agreed to provide this assistance just before the workshop, and therefore he was not able to attend due to the short notice. His name is Bob Gilligan ( Similarly, Nathan Myhrvold of Microsoft has agreed to provide similar technical support. Again the Microsoft person was identified too late to be able to attend the workshop. This person has subsequently left Microsoft, so Nathan is looking for a new person.

The main topics discussed were: security, the status of ports of Tierra to the different platforms, the options for implementing the network version on the various platforms, how to generalize the Tierra interface across platforms, how to generalize the socket calls across platforms, the Avida system.

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Thomas S.Ray
Tue Aug 1 12:33:30 JST 1995